Maybe you want to write your own HTML code, or you have an HTML code snippet from a 3rd party website that you'd like to add to your site. In either case, follow these instructions.
Warning! If you are unfamiliar with HTML, we suggest you familiarize yourself by purusing a website like W3 Schools. Here, you can learn the simple basics of HTML which will help you in making proper edits.
Method 1 - Adding an HTML Chunk
Your best bet is to create and use an HTML Chunk.
- Log into your EVO Website Manager.
- Navigate to Elements -> Chunks -> New Chunk
- Give the Chunk a name which you will use later in Step 10
- For "Existing Category", choose "Content"
- Paste the HTML code in the box labeled Chunk code (html)
- Click Save
- Edit the Resource where you'd like to add the HTML code.
- Scroll until you see your Resource Content. In most cases, the default text editor will be TinyMCE4.
- Place your cursor where you want to put the HTML
- Reference your newly created chunk using two curly brackets before and after the chunk name, in the form
Alternate Methods
Some HTML code can be entered directly into the HTML editor on a page. Though we cannot guarantee either of the following two methods will work for you, we are providing you with these instructions in case you would like to give it a try.
Method 2 - Inserting a Code Sample
- Log into your EVO Website Manager.
- Edit the Resource where you'd like to add the HTML code.
- Scroll until you see your Resource Content. In most cases, the default text editor will be TinyMCE4.
- Place your cursor where you want to put the HTML
- Click the Insert/Edit source sample button.
- Paste your HTML code into the pop up box, then press OK
Method 3 - Editing the Source Code Mode
- Log into your EVO Website Manager.
- Edit the Resource where you'd like to add the HTML code.
- Scroll until you see your Resource Content. In most cases, the default text editor will be TinyMCE4
- Find and click the Source Code button that looks like < >.
- In the pop up, you will see all of the existing HTML for this Resource section. WARNING! If you are unfamiliar with HTML, first copy the HTML in the pop up and paste it into a Text Editor on your computer. This way, you'll have a backup if your changes break the page. If you have issues with the HTML, please check out W3 Schools for basic HTML information which will help in troubleshooting.
- Place your cursor where you'd like to either start typing HTML or paste it in.