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Bulletin Builder - Missing Text in RTF Version

Bulletin Builder - Missing Text in RTF Version

HTML Button

When you click the HTML button, a source code box will appear. This box will contain the text that was inserted into the bulletin. If the text is displaying characters in between words, then this identifies the problem with the missing text. Go ahead and click Cancel or close the box.

HTML Button

Pasting as Plain Text

1) In the section you are editing, copy the text provided in text box.
2) After copying the text, delete all text from the box.
3) Click the button paste text as plain text. It is the icon with the clip board and the letter 'T'.

Pasting as Plain Text

What is Plain Text?

After click the paste as plain text button, a message will appear on the screen indicating that any text pasted as plain text. This is important for removing any previous formatting of the text.

  • Go ahead and click the OK button and paste the text into the box. Then click the Save button.
  • Repeat these steps for any text that is missing in the RTF version.
What is Plain Text?
bulletin builder missing text
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