Here are a few ways to add different variations of Google Calendar to your website.
To accomplish the below, you'll first need to know how to:
- Make your Google calendar public. Please see this official Google documentation for the most up to date instructions:
- Create a new page or edit an existing one.
- Add HTML to your website. See this documentation for instructions.
Add a Nicely Formatted List Calendar
For this calendar format, copy the below snippet and add it to your website with customizations:
[!GoogleCal? &max_events=`6` &tpl=`GoogleEventsDisplay` &grouping=`date` &email=`[email protected]`!]
Customize your calendar with the below:
&max_events : Default is to show 6 events.
&email : Update the [email protected] part with your email. This is the Google email account associated with your public Google calendar.
&grouping : Default is to group by date. You can also change this to `none`.
WARNING: Much of the syntax included in the above code snippet is critical for its proper operation. If your snippet doesn't work, please ensure that your snippet looks like this one. Including, double brakcets ( [[ ]] ), the ampersands ( & ), and the quotation marks ( ` ).
Add a Nicely Formatted Month Calendar
Copy the below snippet and add it to your website with customizations:
[[fullCalendar? &email=`[email protected]` ]]
- Update [email protected] part with your email. This is the Google email account associated with your public Google calendar.
WARNING: Much of the syntax included in the above code snippet is critical for its proper operation. If your snippet doesn't work, please ensure that your snippet looks like this one. Including, double brakcets ( [[ ]] ), the ampersands ( & ), and the quotation marks ( ` ).
Add the Standard Google Calendar
Google provides embed code that you can copy and paste into almost any website. To do this, please see Google's most up to date documentation here: Once you get your embed code, copy it and paste into your website.