1) Add PDF to FlipHTML5 Account and Amazon AWS Account
Contact the Department of Internet Ministries so that your PDF can be added to these two accounts. FlipHTML5 allows you to create a nicely embedded PDF view directly on your page, and Amazon AWS allows for users to easily download your PDF to their computers.
2) Adding the embedded FlipHTML5 version
When adding/editing a publication within Liferay, there are two boxes - the "HTML Embedded Version" and the "Body Text". Be sure to put the iframe code for the FlipHTML5 version in the first box, not the second one, as there are certain styles that wrap around the embedded version code to allow it to work nicely on mobile.
2) Theme and Background Color for the FlipHTML5 version
We have tried out different themes in the past for the Flip version, and we like the "Handy" theme as it was the least obtrusive. Also, we've been using a white background so it blends in with the website a bit better.
3) Download PDF Version
Get the link from the Amazon AWS S3 account and place it in the "Link to External PDF" so that your article will have a "Download" button for users to download your PDF to their computers.