All websites hosted through the Department of Internet Ministries have access to website statistics with Awstats through cPanel. If you are unfamilar with cPanel, please refer to our Getting Started with cPanel article.
Awstats, built in to all sites using cPanel, is a server based tool for analyzing traffic to your website. It provides comprehensive statistcs and has a wide variety of reporting features.
Using Awstats
1. Login to your website's cPanel by visiting and entering your site's login credentials in the text fields provided and then clicking the Log In button.
2. Scroll down to the Metrics section of the page and click on the Awstats button
3. In the domain list provided on the page, click on the View button displayed on the same line as your website's domain name with the (SSL) displayed next to it.
4. Scrolling down the page, information is displayed is graph form and as a table for monthly, daily, weekly, and hourly statistics.
5. Further down the page, amongst some of the other information provided, are the following:
- Locales (where visitors are accessing your website from)
- Visits Duration (how long visitors are staying on your site)
- Downloads (what types of files users are accessing/downloading on your site)
- Pages (what content users are viewing)
Further Information
You may learn more about Awstats by watching this video tutorial on YouTube proivded by HowToWebmaster
If you are looking for something more than Awstats, you may visit the Google Analytics site to learn more about how you can create an Analytics account for your website.