Custom Prayers in the DailyReadings App for iOS


With the DailyReadings App for iOS, you are able to create Custom Prayers to add your own devotionals to the list of Prayers that come with the app. This feature is available in both the lite (free) and full (paid) versions of the app. This feature is currently not available for Android devices.

For each of the steps below, first open your DailyReadings app and then click on the Prayers section located in the section navigation at the bottom of the screen.

Examples of Adding and Deleting are shown in the above video.


Add a Custom Prayer

1. Click the "+" button in the top left corner of the screen.

2. Add a Title in the first box.

3. Add the text of your prayer in the second box. You can also use this for a listing of the names of your loved ones for prayers for the living and the deceased.

4. Click the Save button in the top left corner.


Edit a Custom Prayer 

1. Click the name of the Custom Prayer.

2. Click the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen.

3. After making any desired changes, click the Save button in the top left corner.


Delete a Custom Prayer

1. On top of the name of the Custom Prayer, swipe your finger to the left to reveal the red Delete button

2. Click the red Delete button. 

NOTE: There is no confirmation step. Once you click Delete, the Custom Prayer will be deleted permanently.


The DailyReadings App is a product of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Internet Ministries