Checking the List Activity Reports Page

Within the Listserv Management interface, there is a section called List Activity Reports where you can find information about subscription, message deliveries, message failures, and more. For some, if a message is sent to the Listserv, but has disappeared and never got delivered, it's possible it was flagged as containing a virus. If so, it will be reported here.

First, you will need to log in to the Listserv Management website. Instructions for this can be found here:

1) If you manage multiple lists, select your List on the List Dashboard page.

2) On the left column, select "List Activity Reports"

3) Under "Report Events" select the information you'd like to see in the report results:

  • For messages that were never delivered, check "Virus"
  • For info about subscribers, check "Subscribe", "Signoff", "Add", "Change", "Resubscribe", "Expire", and "Autodel"
  • For messages that were delivered, check "Post"

4) Select a date range for the report

5) Click "Update"

A report will be generated on screen.

If you were checking for a message having disappeared and there is a corresponding entry listed about a virus, there are a few actions to take. First, you should ensure you have anti-virus software running on your local computer. Second, you should run a scan to make sure you do not have any viruses on your computer. Third, you can contact the Department of Internet Ministries, and we can help you investigate this issue further/

List Activity Reports Page in Listserv