How do I add a link to Bulletin Builder on my website?

If your parish uses Bulletin Builder it is easy to link from your parish website to the most current bulletin so parishioners and visitors always have the most up to date information.

  1. Log in or create an account with Bulletin Builder.
  2. Edit information as you normally would for your weekly/monthly bulletin.
  3. When you're finished, click Publishing Preview in the left column.

    Visual #1
  4. In Publishing Preview, you'll see your available publishing options in the right corner. If the Web option (#1) doesn't have a Go button next to it, click the Edit link (#2).

    Visual #2
  5. In Publishing Formats, click the Web tab (#1), then click the box next to Enable Web Page (#2).
  6. Use the available options to customize the look of the web page. When you're finished, click Save (#3).

    Visual #3
  7. After saving, click Publishing Preview in the left column.

    Visual #4
  8. You'll now have a Go button next to the Web publishing option (#1). You'll want to click Go to publish the current bulletin. You'll know it's published when you see a green check mark next to it.
  9. To get the link to place on your website, copy the link under Web Version URL (#2). This link will always display the most recent published bulletin. So, as long as you continue publishing bulletins in Bulletin Builder, you'll never hav to change this link.
  10. Log into your website, edit a resource, and add a link and paste in the Web Version URL that you just copied.