Using the Ditto Snippet in Your EVO CMS Website

The Ditto Snippet in EVO summarizes and lists pages to create blogs, catalogs, PR archives, bio listings and more

Full documentation for Ditto can be found here:

To call Ditto on a page in your website, you would first make a snippet call by using double brackets


Next, you'll want to add parameters to customize the snippet:

[[Ditto? &parents=`106` &summarize=`100` &tpl=`SummaryWithImage-PageLinks` &depth=`2` &extenders=`summary` &sortDir=`ASC` &trunc=`1` &truncLen=`400` ]]

Here's a breakdown of the parameters and what they do:

  • &parents = points to the ID number or multiple ID numberss of the folder where the items you want do display reside
  • &summarize= max. number of items you would like Ditto to display
  • &tpl = a user-created chunk to format the content (in this case, SummaryWithImage-PageLinks)
  • &depth = how far down in the folder Ditto should be looking for content; in this example it looks down two levels
  • &extenders = loads content from the Summary block (there are multiple extenders available, but we primarily use the summery extender)
  • &sortDir = how the page loads the content (ASC = from A to Z; DESC=from Z to A)
  • &trunc = allows Evolution to truncate the summary text (set to 1 or 0 to turn it on or off)
  • &truncLen = how many characters to show before truncating the text

Here's an example of the Ditto snippet in use from St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Norwalk, CT. The Ditto snippet has aggregated all of the sub-pages under the "Life of Our Church" menu item into a beautifully displayed list: