Knowledge Base Article

Bulletin Archive

The Bulletin Archive is where you can access any of your organization's saved bulletins, past, present, and future. To access the bulletin archive:

  1. Roll your mouse over "Manage" in the site navigation at the top of the page
  2. Click "Bulletin Archive."

The Bulletin Archive page provides a list of archived bulletins, with the newest bulletin at the top. The action bar above each archived bulletin's title has buttons to "Edit" "Manage" "Preview" and "Delete" the bulletin.


Clicking the Edit button takes the user into the bulletin to make changes to the content. Users can navigate through the sections of their bulletin using the navigation in the left-hand margin, make any needed changes, and then republish the bulletin if so desired.


Clicking the Manage button opens the Manage Bulletin Sections screen for the selected bulletin. Where applicable, users may share or unshare a section, edit the title or description for a section, remove a section, or delete a section. In addition, new sections may be added, reserved content may be added, and content shared across from other organizations may be searched for and added.


Clicking the Preview button takes users to the Publishing Preview screen where they may review their selected bulletin's content, and then publish the bulletin to the preferred formats.

Note: To review and change the publishing preferences roll your mouse over "Settings" in the site menu bar at the top of the screen, click "Bulletin Settings," and then click "Publishing" from the left-hand margin.


Clicking an archived bulletin's "Delete" button will remove that bulletin from the system. Bulletin Builder will prompt you to confirm the deletion, and will not delete it unless you click "Ok".

bulletin builder how-to archive
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